My Sketches

This is basically what you do when you've been studying one too many TOEFL handouts... or IELTS. >:) Or if you're trying to Skype-ing with LOOOW connection >:'(((


This is me. Wait, no. NO WAY it is. Well, actually, it is. No, it doesn't look like me at all. Eeeerrrr, well, a little. Well, it's me. No, it's not.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
新年快乐! 恭喜发财! Happy Chinese New Year!!! This is the year of the Rabbit, so let's draw a RABBIT!!! XD
"Huh? Why are you shivering?" - Personal Hatred
*timpuk sandal*
*timpuk panci*

Crying... My fave team has been beaten by Spain...
Why am I smiling diz WIDE? Ask Klose. Ask Germany. LOL!
Whoa-ha-haaaa! Go, Klose! Go, Mueller! Go, GERMANY!!! XD
*Cough, cough* I dun feel so well...
Sniff... I'm sad...
Peace, dude!
*sketching... sketching...*
I Gotta Feelin'! Lol!
Reading 4! For a better future! (~_~')
A Moo Playin' Mooball! FIFA World Cup!
So Sweet...
I'm Wearing Glasses!! La La Laaaa XD
Huh? What? Sorry, to busy texting you. (Xb)
Craving for inspirations...
May I kiss...? Urgh! Ew!
It wasn't supposed to be this way... But it turns out like this!
Aaaaahhhhh... Celebrate the good life... With a laptop and music!
Losing Inspiration...

Let's sing! Let's KARAOKE!!!!
This is what will happen if you stay too long in the karaoke...
Coffee Addict
A hot chocolate is always good when it's cold...

Sketches of Friends

A sketch of a friend - A future doctor :)
Another coffee-addict; a friend of mine. This is her one fame expression for almost everything: seeing cute guys, drinking or eating something delicious, having fun, etc, etc. :p
She's recently competing in MBI (Miss Big Indonesia) - vote for her! Her number is 19! Go! Go! Go, sister! We're proud of ya!
She's definitely a coffee-addict. All those listed in the pic are her weapon, haha. Similar to the ones I usually use as well.
When she got this expression, leave her alone. I mean it. Or stay by her side... in silence. Some people said we look alike. Well, does that look like my face in the pic?
My female co-worker; She's extremely calm and patient, tsk!

This is my fave activity: crossing fingers!! ...for a better future.
Uurrrrrrrrgghhhhh!!! I'm trying... I'm trying... I can do it! I can do it!!
Introducing... Z!!! The Death Eater a.k.a. the Grim Reaper!!

26 thoughts on “My Sketches

  1. lucuuuuuuuu…..>,<
    ilustrasi lagi minum kopi kapan?
    atau iliustrasi ga bisa tidur nunggu Muenchen maen sambil minum hot choco?

    1. Weeee, dulu kamarku penuh sama sketsanya temenku si Jack! :p Tapi ada sketsaku juga sih satu-dua Xb

  2. the one with backpack,was it you or one of the ex ED lecture that I know, looks like him…ehehehehehe….
    nice scetch dear, can you scetch my face? wondering how chubby my face will be.. =P

  3. they are so sick! marvelous! lucuuuu…
    would you mind to make me a sketch? *blink2 eyes..*pussinboots eyes…please

  4. Would love to have 1% of your creativity…

    [sideline – I could understand If you were a fan of Messi and Barcelona. But favouring the German squad over the Dutch one is a blow to my national Dutch pride [ :))) ]

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